Arma 3 Helmet Cam

  1. Arma 3 Camo Helmet
  2. Arma 3 Helmet Cam Mod
  3. Arma 3 Helmet Cam

BOYLE Reserve Intelligence Sergeant ODA 5211, 2nd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group(Airborne). To configure the list of helmet classes that enable helmet cameras, edit the cTabhelmetClasshasHCam array in the configuration file on the server, which can be found in the ArmA 3 folder. Arma 3 userconfig cTab ctabsettings.hpp. It needs to be within the class cTabsettings (same area as above).

  • 1View


Peripheral Vision

Peripheral vision indicators represent units outside of your current view. These transparent dots change with the direction and distance of the units.

On lower difficulties, dots will stick to their units anywhere on the screen, making it easier to distinguish between friends and foes.

Night Vision

To use night vision, you need to have night vision optics mounted on a weapon, helmet or vehicle.

  • Press [N] to cycle through available view modes.

Use IR flares and laser pointers to mark objects and locations when using night vision. They will remain unseen by the enemy but soldiers with night vision will be able to see them clearly.

Arma 3 Helmet Cam

Tactical View

When you are in command of a squad or vehicle, tap [. [NUM]] to enable the Tactical view mode. In Tactical view, commanding options from the normal view remain available, but the view is changed to isometric to reveal more of the surroundings and provide better situational awareness. Switch to the Tactical view to better manage your squad in tight situations.

To use the Tactical view, 3rd Person view must be enabled in your difficulty settings.

Third Person View

Third person view can give you an increased tactical awareness of your surroundings.

  • Press [Enter [NUM]] to switch the camera between 1st person view and 3rd person view.

Try using Free look[Left Alt] to look around while moving in 3rd person view.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging can provide a valuable tactical advantage. If you have a TI sight or binoculars:

  • Use [N] to cycle through available TI views.

TI has two display modes to better distinguish an object from their background: White-hot and Black-hot. Heat emitting objects are displayed in a selected color. The image has contrast at night.

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Multi-Function Display (MFD) is implementation of HUD (Head-Up Displays) in Arma 3.Display can be fixed on helmet (move with player head) or cockpit (static position).


Technical Basics

HUDs are defined in the MFD class of the source vehicle.The properties of each HUD are separated by a root class (conventionnally named AirplaneHUD in base content), although each new instance will render a new HUD and overlap with the previous.This makes it easier to configure HUDs by modular config (for example, navigation, targeting, etc...).All HUDs are defined through 3 base elements:

  • Bones: invisible elements used to transform/rotate other, similar to anchors/origins. Defined in the Bones class of any HUD.
  • Drawn elements: used to draw graphic elements. Defined in the Draw class of any HUD.
  • Sources: if an element displays complex variables or any bone needs to be in specific positions, it uses a source data. Defined in each instance of bone and draw classes when needed.


Since A3 1.69 version it is also possible to define MFD class in CfgMagazines.Such move allows creating dynamic MFD screens with info on the screen corresponding to current loadout applied through dynamic loadout system.


Show 'class CfgVehicles'

Global HUD Properties

These are defined in each AirplaneHUD instance and affect every sub-sequent element. Some properties can be overwritten in each child element if needed (e.g color) :

  • color : [r,g,b,a] - color of all elements.
  • topLeft : 'string' - memory point defining the top left position of the HUD and uses it as the absolute origin (0,0,0). Not used if helmetMountedDisplay = true.
  • topRight : 'string' - memory point defining the top right position of the HUD and uses it as the far right limit (1,0,0). Not used if helmetMountedDisplay = true.
  • bottomLeft : 'string' - memory point defining the bottom left position of the HUD and uses it as the bottom limit (0,1,0). Not used if helmetMountedDisplay = true.
  • borderLeft : float - adjust position inside of memory points LOD. Not used if helmetMountedDisplay = true.
  • borderRight : float - adjust position inside of memory points LOD. Not used if helmetMountedDisplay = true.
  • borderTop : float - adjust position inside of memory points LOD. Not used if helmetMountedDisplay = true.
  • borderBottom : float - adjust position inside of memory points LOD. Not used if helmetMountedDisplay = true.
  • fontHelicopterHUD : 'string' - font used for this HUD instance.
  • helmetMountedDisplay : true/false - Defines if the HUD is attached to a fixed point of the aircraft or moves with the head of the pilot.
  • helmetPosition : float - ([x, y, z]): position of HUD - for helmet mounted only
  • helmetRight : float - ([x, y, z]): right vector of HUD - for helmet mounted only
  • helmetDown : float - ([x, y, z]): down vector of HUD - for helmet mounted only
  • font: 'string' font type used for drawing HUD elements
  • turret: array[] - define from which turret should animation sources like i.e. impactPoint should get data from. {-2} - default, legacy behaviour, {-1} - remote controlled weapons (means, that it shows driver impact point by default, but changes to remote controlled turret once used) , {} - same as -2, {0} - turret path
  • material: allows adjustments to ambient, diffues & emmisive values just like RVMAT



Bone defines position of graphic element. Final position can be modified by sources in each frame.Bones have no hierarchy, hierarchical geometry is available by chain of bones in HUD-element draw.Currently there are 6 types of bones: fixed, linear, rotational, horizon, vector and ILS.Bones type is defined by type property in bone class (e.g.: type = fixed;).Bones types:

  • Fixed: represents a fixed position on HUD plane. It can be use for static HUD-Elements (e.g.: aiming cross).
    • pos ([x, y]): position of center (left top corner is [0,0], right bottom corner is [1, 1])
  • Linear: represents a linear transformation depend on source float value. It can be used for some linear indicator (e.g.: fuel bar).
    • source (string): name of float source value. See sources for more details
    • min (float): minimal valid source value. Lower source value will be forced to minimal
    • max (float): maximal valid source value. Higher source value will be forced to maximal
    • sourceScale (float): multiplier of source value. It is optional, default is 1
    • minPos ([x, y]): position for maximal source value (minPos matches max source value - for historical reasons)
    • maxPos ([x, y]): position for minimal source value (maxPos matches min source value - for historical reasons)
  • Rotational: represents a rotational transformation depend on source float value. It can be used for some rotational indicator (e.g.: analog speedometer).
    • source (string): name of float source value. See sources for more details
    • min (float): minimal valid source value. Lower source value will be forced to minimal
    • max (float): maximal valid source value. Higher source value will be forced to maximal
    • sourceScale (float): multiplier of source value. It is optional, default is 1
    • center ([x, y]): position of center of rotation
    • minAngle (float): angle (in degrees) for minimal source value
    • maxAngle (float): angle (in degrees) for maximal source value
    • aspectRatio (float): rotation aspect ratio. It is optional, default is 1
  • Horizon: represents a transformation for horizon indicator.
    • angle (float): angle of horizon line (degrees)
    • pos0 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
    • pos10 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
  • HorizonToView: (for HMD) represents a transformation for horizon indicator.
    • angle (float): angle of horizon line (degrees)
    • pos0 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
    • pos10 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
  • Vector: represents a transformation from scene position (depend on source type) to HUD plane. Properties:
    • source (string): name of 3D vector source value. See sources for more details
    • pos0 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
    • pos10 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
  • ILS: represents transformation for ILS (Instrument landing system). Properties:
    • pos0 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
    • pos3 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
  • Limit: saturate preview vector transformation by box
    • limits ([x0, y0, x1, y1]): bounding box in HUD coordinates 0 -1.

Arma 3 Camo Helmet

HUD Elements

HUD Element represents one graphic entity. It defines what and how will be drawn.Currently there are 5 types of HUD-Elements: line, text, scale, radar and group.Group element has no geometry, it is because elements hierarchy.HUD Elements type is defined by type property in HUD Element class (e.g.: type = line;).HUD Elements types:

  • Line: draws lines (or multi-lines) defined by points.
    • points (array): For more details, see here.
    • width (float): width of line segments
    • lineType (float): Set type of line - supported values: 0 - full line, 1 - doted line, 2 - dashed line, 3 - dot-dashed line
  • Text: draws value depend on source as text
    • align (string): text alignment. Valid options: left, right, center.
    • scale (float): font size
    • source (string): name of string source value. See sources for more details
    • sourceScale (float): multiplier of source value. For non static source only
    • sourceLength: format source value: number of characters to draw , rest is filled with '0'
    • sourceIndex: used with weapon & ammo sources. i.e. sourceindex=0 with source = 'weapon'; to get name of first weapon from vehicles weapons[] array in config. Works also with ammo
    • sourcePrecision: format source value: number of characters afters decimal dot.
    • refreshRate: refresh rate of source ranging from 0 to 1s. Can be used to simulate old MFDs with low FPS
    • text (string): static text to draw. For static source only
    • pos (array): position of text. It is the same as one point in line definition. For more details, see here.
    • right (array): right direction of text. It is the same as one point in line definition. For more details, see here.
    • down (array): down direction of text. It is the same as one point in line definition. For more details, see here.
  • Polygon: draws a polygon. Accepts 3 or 4 points only
    • texture (string): if present, it will draw selected texture on created polygon.USE WITH CAUTION, drawing of pictures is quite heavy for engine, it is recommended to keep amount of textures around 10-15.Above that value expect performance impact. Example code below:
  • PylonIcon: draw pylon icon
    • pos (array): position of pylon icon. It is the same as one point in line definition. For more details, see here.
    • pylon (float): index of pylon (start from 1)
    • name (string): class name in magazine/mfdElements
  • Scale: is horizontal or vertical bar indicator. Scale HUD-Element can't use bones for transformation.
    • align (string): text alignment. Valid options: left, right, center.
    • scale (float): font size
    • source (string): name of float source value. See sources for more details
    • NeverEatSeaWeed (integer): 1 - will show 'N,E,S,W', 2 - will show 'N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW' in the heading scale
    • sourceScale (float): multiplier of source value
    • horizontal (bool): true for horizontal bar, false for vertical bar
    • pos ([x, y]): position of text item related to top position. It is for text range definition, final position of text will be move to related line.
    • right ([x, y]): right direction of text item related to top position.
    • down ([x, y]): down direction of text item related to top position.
    • step (float): amount of source between two lines.
    • stepSize (float): length between two lines.
    • lineXleft (float): left/top position of one normal line in vertical/horizontal bar
    • lineYright (float): right/bottom position of one normal line in vertical/horizontal bar
    • lineXleftMajor (float): left/top position of one major line in vertical/horizontal bar
    • lineYrightMajor (float): right/bottom position of one major line in vertical/horizontal bar
    • top (float): top position of bar indicator (left for horizontal indicator)
    • bottom (float): bottom position of bar indicator (right for horizontal indicator)
    • center (float): center position of bar indicator
    • majorLineEach (int): granularity of major lines
    • numberEach (int): granularity of lines with text value
    • min (float): min valid value, lower values will be ignored. min value is already affected by sourceScale
    • max (float): max valid value, higher values will be ignored. max value is already affected by sourceScale
  • Radar: draws geometry around entities
    • pos0 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
    • pos10 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation. For more details, see here.
    • points (array): defines graphics which will be rendered around each entity. For more details, see here.
  • RadarToView: (for HMD) uses same parameters as radar.
  • Turret: used on Blackfoot gunner aim box
    • pos0 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation, in spherical this is offset
    • pos10 ([x, y]): scene to HUD plane transformation, in spherical pos10 is a scale
    • projection (float): defines projection type. Default value is 1. Use 0 for spherical projection.
  • TurretToView: (for HMD) uses same parameters as turret.
  • Group: makes HUD-Elements hierarchy. It can change attributes for its child elements. Group element has no graphics.
    • color ([r, g, b, a]): color of HUD-Elements graphics. Since A3 1.73+ it is possible to use simple expression with day time, 'nvg' or 'userXX' values
    • alpha (int: 0-255): alpha of HUD-Elements graphics. Since A3 1.73+ it is possible to use simple expression with day time, 'nvg' or 'userXX' values
    • clipTL ([x, y]): top left corner of clipping area (range is [0, 0] - [1, 1])
    • clipBR ([x, y]): bottom right corner of clipping area (range is [0, 0] - [1, 1])
    • clipTLParallax ([x, y]): top left corner of clipping area (range is [0, 0] - [1, 1]) - parallaxed
    • clipBRParallax ([x, y]): bottom right corner of clipping area (range is [0, 0] - [1, 1]) - parallaxed
    • condition (string): condition for enable/disable child elements. Since 1.69 it is also possible to use float sources (like 'speed', 'rpm', etc.) as a condition, mathematical operators and even simple expressions. Available conditions:
      • on: engine is on
      • ils: ILS system is activated
      • mgun: machine gun is selected
      • missile: missile is activated
      • aamissile: air lock air missile
      • atmissile: air lock ground missile
      • rocket: rocket is selected
      • bomb: bomb is selected
      • flaps: flaps out (for airplanes only)
      • lights: landing lights are on
      • collisionlights: anti-collision lights are on
      • stall: plane stalling (for airplanes only)
      • simulArma: standard helicopter simulation (for helicopters only)
      • simulRTD: advanced helicopter simulation - RTD (for helicopters only)
      • incomingmissile: you are locked by incoming missile
      • missilelocking: locking of your missile is in progress
      • missilelocked: missile is locked
      • wpvalid: unfinished waypoint[s]
      • laseron: laser designator is activated
      • activeSensorsOn: radar is activated
      • weaponX: returns true if X entry from vehicle weapons[] array is selected
      • pilotcameralock: returns targeting pod lock mode - 0 disabled, 1 locked to terrain, 2 locked to objects
      • autohover: returns 1 when auto hover in helicopter is engaged
      • user0 : (up to user50): custom condition which can be changed by scripting command setUserMFDvalue
      • pylonSelected: returns 1 if pylon is selected. add number at the end when using outside of magazine mfd (i.e. pylonSelected1)
      • pylonEmpty: returns 1 if there is nothing mounted on designated pylon
      • pylonMagazineEmpty:: returns 1 if magazine is empty on designated pylon
      • vtolMode:: returns vectoring angle (goes from 0 - horizontal, to 1 - vertical mode)
      • nvg:: night vision goggles are used
  • blinkingPattern ([intervals]): define blinking pattern for group HUD elements. combination with condition is possible.
    • blinkingStartsOn (bool): define blinking state on beginning


Source represents value which can modify position of some types of bounds (e.g.: angle of analog speedometer pointer) or value of some HUD elements (e.g.: altitude as text, heading bar direction, etc.). Currently there are 3 types of sources: float, 3D vector and string. Sources type is defined by source property in bone or HUD Element class (e.g.: source = speed;). Sources types:

  • Float: source represents numeric value. It is used by Linear and Rotational bones and Scale HUD-Elements. Available values:
    • altitudeAGL: altitude above ground level (m)
    • altitudeASL: Altitude above sea level (m)
    • coordinateX: X coordinate of plane position in the world (m)
    • coordinateY: Y coordinate of plane position in the world (m)
    • speed: speed of airplane (m/s)
    • rpm: revolutions per minute of engine
    • vspeed: vertical speed (m/s)
    • fuel: fuel state (0-1)
    • targetDist: distance to target (m)
    • impactDistance: distance to impact point (m)
    • heading: heading of airplane (degrees)
    • cameraDir: direction of head (degrees)
    • horizonBank: horizon bank of airplane (radians)
    • horizonDive: horizon dive of airplane (radians)
    • windage: direction of wind (degrees)
    • throttle: analogue throttle value (0-1)
    • rtdCollective: collective state (0-1) - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdRotorTorque: rotor torque state (0-1) - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdGForce: actual G-Force value - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdRpm1: scaled revolutions per minute of engine #1 - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdRpm2: scaled revolutions per minute of engine #2 - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdRpm3: scaled revolutions per minute of engine #3 - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • ClockHour: time of day on scale (0-1) consistent with clockHour animation source (that means 12 hours cycle)
    • ClockMinute: time of hour on scale (0-1) consistent with clockMinute animation source
    • ClockSecond: time of minute on scale (0-1) consistent with clockSecond animation source
    • WPDist: distance to current waypoint/steerpoint
    • WPIndex: index of next waypoint
    • MissileFlightTime: expected time to impact target
    • AoA: plane Angle of Attack
    • gmeter, gmeterX, gmeterY, gmeterZ: G-forces
    • gmeterGrav, gmeterXGrav, gmeterYGrav, gmeterZGrav: G-forces + gravitational force
    • cmAmmo: count of current countermeasures
    • cmWeapon: names of current countermeasures
    • vtolvectoring: current vectoring angle (goes from 0 to 1)
    • pylonAmmo: current amount of ammo on pylon. when using outside of magazine mfd (aka mfdElements) add number at the end (i.e. pylonAmmo1) if you want to use it as a condition or use sourceIndex
    • pylonAmmoRelative: current amount of ammo on pylon in 0-1 scale. when using outside of magazine mfd (aka mfdElements) add number at the end (i.e. pylonAmmoRelative1) if you want to use it as a condition or use sourceIndex
    • cameraHeadingDiff: ​angle between camera and default look direction (from -180 to 180)
    • cameraHeadingDiffX: angle between camera and default look direction (from -180 to 180 - only in X axis)
    • cameraHeadingDiffY: angle between camera and default look direction (from -180 to 180 - only in Y axis)
    • targetHeight: height (ASL) of currently selected target
    • weaponHeading: heading of turret in degrees (goes from 0 to 360)
    • laserDist: distance to target read from laser range finder
    • turretworld: direction of turret in [x,y] format - x is equal to body parameter in turret config while y is equivalent of gun property. Example usage: source = '[y]turretworld';
  • 3D Vector: source represents 3D vector value. It is used by Vector bone only.
    • velocity: velocity of airplane
    • velocityToView: velocity of airplane transformed to current view (for HMD) - don't combine with forward transformation!
    • target: locked target position
    • targetToView: locked target position transformed to current view (for HMD) - don't combine with forward transformation!
    • weapon: primary gun direction
    • weaponToView: primary gun direction transformed to current view (for HMD) - don't combine with forward transformation!
    • forward: forward direction of airplane
    • impactpoint: position of CCIP (constantly computed impact point)
    • impactpointtoview: CCIP for HMD
    • impactpointweaponRelative: Impact point calculated at the distance to currently selected target. If there is no target then it is working like regular CCIP. Requires target lead (BCTargetLead aka 4) in ballisticsComputer bitflags list
    • impactpointtoviewweaponRelative: Impact point calculated at the distance to currently selected target. If there is no target then it is working like regular CCIP. Requires target lead (BCTargetLead aka 4) in ballisticsComputer bitflags list. HMD Variant
    • wppoint: position of next waypoint
    • wppointtoview: position of next waypoint (for HMD)
    • pilotcamera: Targeting Pod aim direction
    • pilotcameratoview: Targeting Pod aim direction - HMD variant
    • LarTop: missileLockMaxDistance rounded up to 1000,2000,5000,10000,15000, etc.
    • LarAmmoMax: missile lock maximal distance - reading missileLockMaxDistance from cfgAmmo
    • LarAmmoMin: missile lock minimal distance - reading missileLockMinDistance from cfgAmmo
    • LarTargetDist: relative distance to target
    • LarTargetSpeed: relative speed to target
    • airportCorner1, airportCorner2, airportCorner3, airportCorner4: airport corners
    • airportCorner1ToView, airportCorner2ToView, airportCorner3ToView, airportCorner4ToView: airport corners (for HMD)
  • String: source represents string value from numeric value (extended float values). It is used by Text HUD_Element only.
    • altitudeAGL: altitude above ground level (m)
    • altitudeASL: Altitude above sea level (m)
    • coordinateX: X coordinate of plane position in the world (m)
    • coordinateY: Y coordinate of plane position in the world (m)
    • speed: speed of airplane (m/s)
    • rpm: revolutions per minute of engine
    • vspeed: vertical speed (m/s)
    • fuel: fuel state (0-1)
    • targetDist: distance to target (m)
    • heading: heading of airplane (degrees)
    • horizonBank: horizon bank of airplane (radians)
    • horizonDive: horizon dive of airplane (radians)
    • windage: direction of wind (degrees)
    • rtdCollective: collective state (0-1) - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdRotorTorque: rotor torque state (0-1) - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdGForce: actual G-Force value - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdRpm1: scaled revolutions per minute of engine #1 - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdRpm2: scaled revolutions per minute of engine #2 - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • rtdRpm3: scaled revolutions per minute of engine #3 - value is valid for helicopters with advanced RTD simulation only
    • weapon: weapon name
    • ammo: amount of ammunition and magazine
    • static: static text defined in config by text property
    • time: time in c++ format, example use: source = time; text = '%X'; - see
    • pylonMagazineName: pylon magazine name, use together with sourceIndex if you are using it outside of mfdElements
    • pylonMagazineNameShort: pylon short magazine name, use together with sourceIndex if you are using it outside of mfdElements
    • visionMode: current optics vision mode
    • flirMode: current optics FLIR mode
    • ammoFormat: reading ammo from displayNameMFDFormat cfgMagazines property 'displayNameMFDFormat'
    • userText: custom text which can be changed by scripting command SetUserMFDtext. Available indexes from 0 to 49, use sourceIndex to pick correct value. Example : source = 'userText';sourceIndex = 1;

Scene To HUD Transformation

Transformation of 3D vector from scene to 2D vector on HUD plane is implemented by two 2D vectors:

  • pos0: 2D position on HUD plane of ray defined by source (center)
  • pos10: 2D position on HUD plane of ray, which have angle to previous ray 10 degrees in axes X and Y
  • pos3: the same as pos10, but angle is 3 degrees only. It is used in ILS.


Arma 3 Helmet Cam Mod

Points Definition

Lines (or multi-lines - line with more segments) are defined by array of points. In one points array can be defined more lines. Lines must be splitted by separator. Each point can be transformed by more bones (bones chain).

  • Point: defines one point of line. Point is define as chain of triplets (see next bullet: Bones chain). Triplet defines one transformation step of point:
    • bone name (string): name of bone for point transformation. Bone name is optional, but one of bone name or offset must be defined.
    • offset ([x, y]): offset applied to transformation. Offset is optional, but one of bone name or offset must be defined.
    • weight (float): weight to multiply transformation, must be defined.
  • Bones chain: each point can be transformed by more bones. Transformation chain is defined as array of triplets. Transformation order is from left to right. Example (without offsets to simplify):

Arma 3 Helmet Cam

  • Line: points array with more than 1 point defines line (or multi-line with more than 2 points). See example below.
  • Separator: in one points array can be defined more lines. Lines must be splitted by separator. Separator is empty array {}.


Arma 3: Editing

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