Hindi Font For Windows 10

Devanagari Fonts


Welcome to DevanagariFonts, The largest and unique site that is completely dedicated to providing you easy and free download of Devanagari fonts. With more than 283 free Devanagari (Hindi, Nepali, Marathi, Sanskrit...) fonts, you can download almost any Devanagari font you want. You are in the right place for Hindi fonts free download, and download of any other Devanagari fonts. If you are looking for a Devanagari Font to use in your website, programs, etc we are confident that you can get exactly what you are looking for right here. We are continuously increasing their number by searching for new fonts and providing them for free download.

Google Hindi Font For Windows 10

KokilaBoldMITL: Modular InfoTech Kokila BoldKokila BoldVersion 6.00Kokila-BoldThis font is primarily meant for use in displaying Hindi text in documents. It is an OpenType font, based on Unicode. You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. Devlys 010 Normal is another most downloaded, preferred and compatible hindi font which is famous for its stunning and elegant style. Devlys hindi font is famous amongst hindi typist due to its adoptation of keyboard layout from Remington's Typewriter. Devlys 010 Normal hindi font is widely used in professional matters all over India. Using Windows 10: 1809 build 17763.55. Nirmala UI is I guess the default font for display of hindi/devanagari text. I want to change it to some other font example: Noto Sans Devanagari, which I downloaded from Google Fonts for free.